PHP Extension “mcrypt” must be loaded
PHP Extension “curl” must be loaded

I ran into this little problem after watching Easy E-Commerce With Magento tut over at NetTuts.

I received this error during the installation process: PHP Extension “mcrypt” must be loaded & PHP Extension “curl” must be loaded.

If you are tiring to install Magento on your localhost with wamp here is the solution.

  1. Left click on the wamp icon in notification area.
  2. Go to PHP
  3. Click php.ini
  4. Search for (Ctrl + F) “mcrypt” in this document.
  5. You should be looking for “;extension=php_mcrypt.dll”
  6. You need to uncomment that line of code, so remove the semicolon in front of it.
  7. Next search for (Ctrl + F) “curl” in this document.
    You should be looking for “;extension=php_curl.dll”
  8. You need to uncomment that line of code as well.
  9. Save and close this document.
  10. Restart wamp
  11. Refresh the Magento installation page.

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