從一個業餘攝影者的角度來看,問題就出現在"功能強大"這上面。Photoshop應用的範圍不只是攝影師,還包括繪圖,設計,甚至一小部分的程式設計,各種只要有稍微牽扯到圖像的行業,都可以用到。但這樣一來,Photoshop就無法針對其中一個行業-- 攝影,來做專門滿足這個領域的需求。於是Lightroom由此而誕生。
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Do you want to create a new page in Magento ? or Do you want to create a new module in Magento ? If yes, Then ok, just spend 10 minutes and follow below steps.
Objectives: I will create a new page in Magento whose output will be “Hello World ! I am a Magento Guy..”.
Target: Create a new module called “HelloWorld”
Step 1: Module Declaration
Create app/etc/modules/M4U_HelloWorld.xml and write below code
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We are looking to hire an independent and free thinking Magento PHP developer to work on our flag-ship online store HDcable.co.uk. Primarily, your skills will be implemented to ensure that our site is running bug free and that all systems are working at their optimal levels. We are very open to new ideas and you will be made in charge of developing and rolling out innovative new solutions in order to improve our store as well as come up with clever ways to improve sales in the form of app development within the Magento platform. This is a fantastic opportunity to show off and build your skills in a real world environment as well as gaining new and important skills. This position is open for 1 year, however, there is an opportunity to extend this beyond depending on performance.
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關閉線上 PHP 錯誤訊息提示功能
php.ini 檔案設定:
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樓中亮醫師 「台灣中醫預防保健協會」創會理事長
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PHP Extension “mcrypt” must be loaded
PHP Extension “curl” must be loaded
I ran into this little problem after watching Easy E-Commerce With Magento tut over at NetTuts.
I received this error during the installation process: PHP Extension “mcrypt” must be loaded & PHP Extension “curl” must be loaded.
If you are tiring to install Magento on your localhost with wamp here is the solution.
- Left click on the wamp icon in notification area.
- Go to PHP
- Click php.ini
- Search for (Ctrl + F) “mcrypt” in this document.
- You should be looking for “;extension=php_mcrypt.dll”
- You need to uncomment that line of code, so remove the semicolon in front of it.
- Next search for (Ctrl + F) “curl” in this document.
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(2011/01/07 21:24) NOWnews 今日新聞網
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Photoshop 秘技
作者: 楊學捷 老師
Photoshop中擁有大量令人驚奇的“隱 藏”功能。無論你用過Photoshop多少年,都會不斷發掘出越來越多的東西.....
Photoshop中擁有大量令人驚奇的“隱 藏”功能。無論你用過Photoshop多少年,都會不斷發掘出越來越多的東西。無論你是新手還是經驗豐富的專家,掌握Photoshop的一些“隱藏”功能,以助於更快更有效的完成複雜工作:
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更新日期:2011/01/04 01:19
瑪麗.艾克斯萊(Marie Exley)要是有時間,她就會想組織家庭。其實,32歲的她只剩下不到6個月時間,而她準備用來警告世人,世界末日即將來到眼前。
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